Secret #5: Get Rid of the Junk ... and the Clutter
After living in a home a number of years, we often accumulate more things than our home really needs. You and I don't notice it because it's our stuff. I love great-grandmother's chair in our bedroom and that big, overstuffed lounge chair in the den. But often times, as we accumulate things we
end up putting them in our rooms ... and the rooms get smaller and smaller. When buyers come to look at your house, they want large, spacious rooms, not small, cramped ones.
An excellent and simple way to open your rooms and make them larger and more spacious is simply to get things out of your house. Sometimes this is one of the hardest things for the homeowner to do. After all, everything is personal and it all "fits" perfectly the way you want it. But an experienced
agent like me can quickly show you which things to take out of a room to open it up and make your home look bigger.
You can usually rent a small storage unit to store this furniture until your home sells.
But don't just focus on furniture. While getting out the excess furniture is important, also consider all the knick-knacks and photos on the table, the
over-crowded and stuffed bookshelves, and anything else that, when a stranger walks into a room, their eyes are immediately met with clutter.
The old adage, "less is more," certainly rings true here. Within reason, the fewer things in your bookshelves, the better; the less furniture in the room, the better; the fewer knick-knacks you have on the table or mantle, the better. So, don't overwhelm your prospective buyer with a lot of clutter and underwhelm them with the apparent lack of space your home has to offer.
And while you are de-cluttering your home, don't forget about the basement! If you have a basement, clean it out as much as possible and show your
prospective buyers how big your basement is and how much room they have to put their stuff when they move in.
It's little things like this that sell a house!